上智大学 理工学部 機能創造理工学科張研究室(バイオメカニクス研究室)
Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Sophia UniversityZhang(Biomechanics) Laboratory




  • Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA, Hiromichi NAKADATE and Satoshi FUJIWARA, Chapter 24 : Study on the Mechanism of Traumatic Brain Injury, Biological Engineering – Principles and Practice, InTech, ISBN:978-953-51-0412-4, pp.549-570, 2012.


  • Kasumi Sakai, Yuelin ZHANG, Satoru Yoneyama, Yukihiro Miyazaki, Yoko Hanada, Yuko Nagai and Takanori Igarashi, Evaluating Distribution and Variation of Strains near Eyes in Blinking Using Digital Image Correlation, Skin Research and Technology. DOI: 10.1111/srt.12867, 2020
  • 星野優輔, 張月琳, 竹尾恭平, 米山 聡,バーチャルフィールド法を用いた粘弾性材料特性の同定,日本実験力学会誌,Vol. 20, No. 1, pp.17-22,2020
  •  Yuelin ZHANG, Fumika Sunamura, Shiomi Bamba, Shuichi Arikawa, Satoru Yoneyama, Kaori Motonami, Takashi Matsushima, Tadashi Numata,Evaluation and visualization of facial massage effects by using ultraviolet stereo-image correlation,Skin Research and Technology,DOI: 10.1111/srt.12809,2019, Cited Paper(1).
  •  林成人,張月琳,目片幸二郎,中楯浩康,太田耕平,原淑惠,山下晴央,中山伸一,青村茂,甲村英二,交通事故による高次脳機能障害症例におけるマルチボディ解析と頭部有限要素解析を組み合わせた損傷予測システムによる受傷状況再現解析の試み, 日本脳神経外傷学会誌,Vol.42,pp.195-200, 2019
  • Yohei KANAI, Shuichi ARIKAWA, Yuelin ZHANG, Satoru Yoneyama and Yasuhisa FUJIMOTO, Inverse analysis of the thermal expansion of dissimilar materials using the Virtual Fields Method, Advanced Experimental Mechanics,Vol.4, pp.103-108, 2019
  • Yusuke HOSHINO, Kazuki TAMAI, Yuelin ZHANG, Satoru YONEYAMA: Direct Measurement and Master Curve Construction of Viscoelastic Poisson’s Ratio with Digital Image Correlation, Strain, DOI: 10.1111/str.12294, (12 pages),2018, Cited Paper(3)
  •  Yuelin ZHANG, Kouta MIYOSHI, Lu HAN, Hiromichi NAKADATE, Satoru YONEYAMA, Takayuki KOYAMA and Shigeru AOMURA, Injury Risk Evaluation of Brain Concussion in American Football based on Reproduction Analysis of Accident Cases, Advanced Experimental Mechanics,Vol.3, pp.197-202, 2018.
  •  Yuelin ZHANG, Tatsunori YOSHINO and Satoru YONEYAMA, Development of a Non-Contact Method for Measuring Viscoelastic Properties of Articular Cartilage, Advanced Experimental Mechanics,Vol.3, pp.203-208, 2018.
  •  韓露,張月琳,中楯浩康,青村茂,松井靖浩,屋内転倒事故における絨毯の頭部防護効果の評価,日本保健科学学会誌,Vol.21,No.1,pp.36-50,2018.(責任著者)
  • 韓露,張月琳,中楯浩康,青村茂,松井靖浩,屋内転倒事故におけるヘッドバンドの頭部防護効果,日本保健科学学会誌,Vol.20,No.4,pp.175-188,2018.
  • 有川秀一, 久米悠真, 張月琳, 米山聡, 藤本慶久,撮像シミュレーションによる画像相関法の測定誤差発生メカニズムの解明,日本実験力学会誌,Vol. 18, No. 1, pp.37-422018.
  • Shoko OIKAWA, Hiromichi NAKADATE, Yuelin ZHANG, Takahiro UENO, Shigeru AOMURA and Yasuhiro MATSUI, Finite element analysis of the effectiveness of bicycle helmets in head impacts against roads, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 4, DOI:10.1299/jbse.17-00175 (11 pages)2017,Cited Paper(2).
  • Hiromichi NAKADATE, Ryoma KITA, Yuelin ZHANG, Yasuhiro MATSUI, Shoko OIKAWA and Shigeru AOMURA, Finite element head model simulation of the case suspected of diffuse axonal injury in the traffic accident, International Journal of Crashworthiness, DOI:10.1080/13588265. 2017.1316901 (11 pages),2017.
  • 張月琳,韓露,細野大樹,松田雅弘,新田収,中楯浩康,紙谷武,青村茂,症例の再現解析による柔道時の頭部損傷発症リスクの評価, 日本実験力学会誌,Vol. 17, No. 2, pp.153-1612017,Cited Paper(2).
  • 苗村潔,古屋耕平,張月琳,南順子, ブタ黄色靭帯の単軸引張試験による弾性線維網の弾性係数の同定, 日本機械学会論文集,Vol.83, No.846, DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00396(13 pages),2017.
  • Shigeru AOMURA, Yuelin ZHANG, Hiromichi NAKADATE, Takayuki KOYAMA and Akiyoshi NISHIMURA, Brain Injury Risk Estimation of Collegiate Football Player Based on Game Video of Concussion Suspected Accident, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, DOI: 10.1299/jbse.16-00393 (15 pages), 2016. (責任著者),Cited Paper(11).
  • Yuelin ZHANG, Toshiki HIRUTA, Itsuro KAJIWARA and Naoki HOSOYA, Active vibration suppression of membrane structures and evaluation with a non-contact laser excitation vibration test, Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 23, No. 10, pp.1681-1692, 2015,Cited Paper(23).
  • 中楯浩康, 馬橋洋人, 張月琳, 角田陽, 青村茂, 二軸引張応力を負荷した培養神経細胞の損傷評価,日本機械学会論文集A編, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp.1090-1099, 2012, Cited Paper(2).
  • Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA, Hiromichi NAKADATE, Satoshi FUJIWARA, Study of the Mechanism of Cerebral Contusion Based on the Real-world Brain Injury Accidents, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp.191-202, 2011,Cited Paper(11).
  • Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA, Kiyoto FURUSE, Akira KAKUTA, Satoshi FUJIWARA and Ayako NASU,Study on Impact Resistance of PC12 Cells, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol.5, No.2, pp.119-128,2010, Cited Paper(1).
  • 張月琳, 青村茂, 中楯浩康, 藤原敏, 局在性脳損傷とびまん性軸策損傷の併発の可能性について, 日本保健科学学会誌, Vol.13,No.3, pp.112-121, 2010,Cited Paper(5).
  • Shigeru AOMURA, Yuelin ZHANG, Satoshi FUJIWARA and Akiyoshi NISHIMURA, Dynamic Analysis of Cerebral Contusion under Impact Loading, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol.3, No.4, pp.499-509, 2008.(責任著者),Cited Paper(13).


  • Itakura Maho, Yuelin ZHANG, Takeo Kyohei, Yoneyama Satoru, Measuring Three-dimensional Strain Distribution of Knee Joint Cartilage under Compressive Load, International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2019, Niigata, October 7-10, 2019
  • Yuelin ZHANG, Fumika Sunamura, Shiomi Bamba, Shuichi Arikawa, Satoru Yoneyama, Kaori Motonami, Takashi Matsushima, Tadashi Numata, Visualization the Change of Face after the Facial Massage by Using Ultraviolet Stereo Image Correlation, BSSM 14th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Belfast, September 10-12, 2019.
  • Yoshiki Umaba, Atsushi Sakuma and Yuelin ZHANG, Experimental Evaluation of Pad Degradation of Helmet for American Football and Its Application to Numerical Design, 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering and the 4th Conference on Imaging and Visualization, p.57, New York, August 14-16 2019.
  • Shigeto Hayashi, Hiromichi Nakadate, Yuelin ZHANG, Kojiro Mekata, Haruo Yamashita, Shinichi Nakayama, Eiji Kohmura, Yasuhiro Matsui, Hong Ji, Shigeru Aomura, Reproduction Analysis of Injury Condition using Finite Element Modeling of the Head in cases with traumatic higher brain dysfunction caused by traffic accidents, Proceedings of the ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2018-86945, Pittsburgh, November 9-15, 2018.
  • ZHANG Y and Yoneyama, S., Displacement and Strain Measurement in Three Dimensions of Articular Cartilage by Using MR Images, BSSM 13th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Southampton, August 29-31, 2018.
  • ZHANG Y., Yoneyama, S., Nakadate, H., Koyama, T., Matsuda, T. and Aomura, S.Construction of a Concussion Risk Estimation System for Contact Sports, 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, #2220 Dublin, July 8-12, 2018.
  • Sakai, K., ZHANG Y., Yoneyama, S., Miyazaki, Y., Nagai, Y. and Igarashi, T.,Measurement of Local Strain Distribution and Its Variation Near Eyes During Blink Using Digital Image Correlation,SEM 2018 Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, #278, Greenville, June 4-7, 2018.
  • Yoshino, T., Yuelin ZHANG and Yoneyama, S.,Measuring Frequency Dependence of Articular Cartilage by Acoustic Vibration, 12th International International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, #061, Kanazawa, November 2017.
  • Amahata, S., Koyanagi, J., Yuelin ZHANG and Yoneyama, S., Strength Evaluation and Fracture Behavior Observation of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Tube under Impact Loading, 12th International International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, #062, Kanazawa, November 2017.
  • Miyoshi, K., Yuelin ZHANG, Yoneyama, S., Aomura, S., Nakadate, H. and Koyama, T., Injury Risk Evaluation of Brain Concussion in the American Football Based on Reproduction Analysis of Accident Cases, 12th International International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, #065, Kanazawa, November 2017.
  • Fujiwara, M., Yuelin ZHANG, Yoneyama, S. and Yokoyama, T., Measurement of Strain Wave in the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Device Using Photoelasticity: Be Aimed at Development of Miniaturized Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar, 12th International International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, #071, Kanazawa, November 2017.
  • Hoshino, Y., Yuelin ZHANG and Yoneyama, S., Identification of Viscoelastic Properties by Virtual Fields Method, 12th International International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, #079, Kanazawa, November 2017.
  • Sawai, K., Fukuda, T., Koyanagi, J., Yuelin ZHANG, Yoneyama, S., and Hirai, K., Measuring Strain under Ultrahigh-temperature Environment Using Digital Image Correlation with Laser Speckle Pattern, 12th International International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, #080, Kanazawa, November 2017.
  • Shuto AMAHATA, Yuta YAMAZAKI, Jun KOYANAGI, Yuelin ZHANG and Satoru YONEYAMA, Evaluation of Loading Rate Dependent Fiber/Resininterface Strength of CFRP under Impact, Proceedings of the 2nd South-East Asia – Japan Conference on Composite Materials, Tokyo, Japan, August 2017.
  • Yuelin ZHANG, Satoru YONEYAMA, Hiromichi NAKADATE, Takayuki KOYAMA and Shigeru AOMURA, Alteration of Concussion Risk by New and Used American Football Helmets, Proceedings of the XXVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, #P352, Brisbane, Australia, July 2017.
  • Yusukei HOSHINO, K. TAMAI, Yuelin ZHANG and Satoru YONEYAMA, Direct Measurement and Master Curve Construction of Viscoelastic Poisson’s Ratio with Digital Image Correlation, Proceedings of International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, #15, Funchal, Portugal, June 2017.
  • Daichi KANAZAWA, Shouta CHINZEI, Yuelin ZHANG, Kuniharu USHIJIMA, Junya NAITO and Satoru YONEYAMA, Evaluating Path of Stress Triaxiality to Fracture of Thin Steel Sheet Using Stereovision, Proceedings of SEM 2017 Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, #154, Indianapolis, USA, June 2017.
  • Kan SAWAI, Yasuhisa FUKUDA, Jun KOYANAGI, Yuelin ZHANG, Satoru YONEYAMA and Kenichi HIRAI, In-situ Measurement of Thermal Deformation of CFRP Ablator at Arc-Heated Wind Tunnel Using Digital Image Correlation, Proceedings of International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, #2017-c-02, Matsuyama, Japan, June 2017.
  • Yuelin ZHANG, Daiki HOSONO, Tadamitsu MATSUDA, Nicolas BOURDET, Hiromichi NAKADATE, Remy WILLINGER and Shigeru AOMURA, Traumatic brain injury criteria in Judo based on reconstruction analysis, Proceedings of the 8th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, Sapporo, Japan, September 2015.
  • Keiichiro FURUYA, Shinichi ISHIZUKA, Itsuro KAJIWARA and Yuelin ZHANG, Pole tuning of model-based controller using simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation, Proceedings of the International conference on Motion and Vibration, paper No.3B23, Sapporo, Japan, August 2015.
  • Yuelin ZHANG, Toshiki HIRUTA, Itsuro KAJIWARA and Naoki HOSOYA, Active vibration control of a membrane structure using PVDF actuator, Proceedings of the 4th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Dynamics & Control, pp. 163-166, Busan, Korea, May 2015.
  • Hiromichi NAKADATE, Tatsuya OHSUGI, Ryoma KITA, Yuelin ZHANG, Yasuhiro MATSUI, Shoko OIKAWA and Shigeru AOMURA, Finite element head model simulation of the case suspected of diffuse axonal injury in the traffic accident, Proceedings of International Crashworthiness Conference 2014,In Press, Kuching, Malaysia, August 2014.
  • Keiichiro FURUYA, Shinichi ISHIZUKA, Itsuro KAJIWARA and Yuelin ZHANG, Pole tuning of model based controller by simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation, Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on Motion and Vibration, No.3B23, Sapporo, Japan, August 2014.
  •  Yuelin ZHANG, Satoshi Yamada, Masahiro Todoh and Shigeru Tadano, Viscoelastic Moduli of Bovine Cortical Tissue Measured by Cantilever Free Vibrations of mm-sized Specimen, Proceedings of The 15th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, No.512, Singapore, Singapore, December 2013.
  •  Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA and Satoshi FUJIWARA, Mechanism of Traumatic Brain Injury, Proceedings of The International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Research and Education on Medical Device Developments, pp.89-91, Aomori, Japan, September 2013.
  •  Yuelin ZHANG, Atsushi SAKUMA, Hiromichi NAKADATE and Shigeru AOMURA, Study on Evaluation of Viscoelastic Properties and Young’s Modulus of Cultured Nerve Cells, Proceedings of Multiscale Methods and Validation in Medicine and Biology 2012, CD-ROM, San Francisco, United State of America, February 2012.
  •  Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA, Hiromichi NAKADATE and Satoshi FUJIWARA, Study on the Mechanism of BrainI, Proceedings of Biofrontier Symposium Japan-Korea Joint Session 2010, p.11, Kanazawa, Japan, November 2010.
  •  Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA, Hiromichi NAKADATE and Satoshi FUJIWARA, Study on the Mechanism of Cerebral Contusion Based on Judicial Autopsy Report, Proceedings of 6th World Congress on Biomechanics 2010, Vol.31, pp.505-508, Singapore, August 2010.
  •  Hiromichi NAKADATE, Shigeru AOMURA, Yuelin ZHANG, Akira KAKUTA and Satoshi FUJIWARA, Strain Magnitude and Strain Rate Influence Stretch-Induced Injury of PC12 Cells, Proceedings of 6th World Congress on Biomechanics 2010, Vol.31, pp.1091-1094, Singapore, August 2010.
  •  Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA and Satoshi FUJIWARA, Mechanism of Cerebral Contusion Based on Force Duration of an External Impact, Proceedings of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2010, CD-ROM:64, Valencia, Spain, February 2010.
  •  Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA and Satoshi FUJIWARA, The Cerebral Contusion Cases Simulation in Consideration of Skull Fracture, Proceedings of 4th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics 2009, pp.303-304, Christchurch, New Zealand, April 2009.
  •  Satoshi FUJIWARA, Yuelin ZHANG, Sigeru NISHIMURA, Saori NAMBU, Ayako NASU, Taeko AOYAGI, Yui SAWAGUCHI, Kohei KOIDE and Sigeru AOMURA, Head Impact Aacceleration Induced by a Blow with a Mass of Iron, Proceedings of 7th International SympIsium on Advances in Legal Medicine 2008, p.111, Osaka, Japan, September 2008.
  •  Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA, Masao WATARI, Satoshi FUJIWARA and Akiyoshi NISHIMURA, Dynamic Analysis of Cerebral Contusion under Impact Loading, Proceedings of 12th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference 2007, CD-ROM:163(4 pages), Sapporo, Japan, August 2007.


  • 佐久間淳, 張月琳, 触診を模擬した柔さ計測システムの展開, ケミカルエンジニアリング,  Vol.57, No.1, pp.66-70, 2012.
  •  青村茂, 張月琳, LS-DYNAの事例紹介 ~頭部有限要素モデルの衝撃解析~, バイオメカニクス学会誌, Vol.34, No.1, pp.79-82, 2010.


  • 張月琳, 中山晴雄, 紙谷武, 数値モデルを用いた柔道練習時の体格差による小学生の頭部外傷の影響についての検討, 第43回日本脳神経外傷学会抄録集,March 2020.
  •  張月琳,小山貴之,米山聡,中楯浩康,青村茂, ビデオに基づくスポーツ脳震盪の発症リスクの推定, 第42回日本脳神経外傷学会抄録集,p.65, March 2019
  •  張月琳, 米山聡, 中楯浩康, 青村茂, コンタクトスポーツにおける脳震盪発症リスク推定システムの構築, 30回バイオエンジニアリング講演会論文集,No.17-33,p.120,December 2017
  •  宮崎志洋, 堺 香澄, 五十嵐崇訓, 須川雅之, 永井裕子, 比留間有蘭, 張 月琳, 米山 聡, 画像相関法を用いた皮膚の動的挙動評価法の開発とその化粧品研究への応用, 第81回SCCJ研究討論会講演要旨集, pp.32-33, 2017.
  •  米山 聡,張 月琳,牛島邦晴,鎮西将太,内藤純也, ステレオ画像相関法を用いた薄板金属試験片のひずみ測定手順, 日本実験力学会分科会合同ワークショップ, No. 17-2 #01, 2017.
  •  張 月琳,比留間有蘭,米山 聡,宮崎志洋,永井裕子,五十嵐崇訓, 画像相関法を用いた瞬き時の肌表面の動的挙動計測, 日本実験力学会分科会合同ワークショップ, No. 17-2 #13, 2017.
  •  張月琳,米山聡,MR画像を用いた関節軟骨の3次元変形とひずみの計測,M&M2017材料力学カンファレンス論文集,No.17-5, pp.104-106,2017
  •  張月琳,米山聡,中楯浩康,小山貴之,青村茂,頭部保護性能におけるアメリカンフットボールのヘルメットの長期使用による影響,日本非破壊検査協会平成29年度秋季講演大会講演概要集,pp.135-138,2017
  •  吉野達紀,張月琳,米山聡,音響加振を用いた関節軟骨の周波数依存性の計測,Dynamics and Design Conference 2017論文集,No.625,2017
  •  藤原樹,張月琳,米山聡,横山隆,光弾性皮膜法による小型衝撃試験機のひずみ波の計測,日本実験力学会2017年次講演会論文集,pp.115-116, 2017
  •  砂村文香,番場汐美,張月琳,有川秀一,米山聡,本波香織,松嶋高志,沼田忠,紫外線画像相関法を用いた顔面の変位・ひずみ測定によるマッサージ効果の評価,日本実験力学会2017年次講演会論文集,pp.143-144, 2017
  •  三好航太,張月琳,米山聡,青村茂,中楯浩康,小山貴之,アメリカンフットボールにおける脳震盪の発症リスクの評価システムの開発,日本実験力学会2017年次講演会論文集,pp.167-168, 2017
  • 澤井貫,福田泰大,小柳潤,張月琳,米山聡,平井研一,画像相関法を用いた高温気流中におけるCFRPの熱変形挙動測定,8回日本複合材料会議論文集,1D-01,2017.
  •  松岡大祐,志水健人,小柳潤,張月琳,米山聡,画像相関法を利用したCFRPの樹脂と界面近傍のひずみ分布測定,8回日本複合材料会議論文集, 1A-06,2017.
  •  張月琳,松田雅弘,中楯浩康,紙谷武,青村茂,症例解析に基づく柔道時の頭部損傷発症リスクの評価,日本機械学会関東支部第23期総会講演会論文集,No. 170-1,OS0802-05,2017.
  •  天畠秀飛,稲垣和樹,小柳潤,張月琳,米山聡,高速度カメラを用いたCFRPの衝撃破壊挙動観察,日本機械学会関東支部第23期総会講演会論文集,No. 170-1,OS0502-03,2017.
  •  藤原樹,張月琳,米山 聡,光弾性皮膜法による弾性棒を高速伝搬するひずみ波の計測,日本機械学会関東支部第23期総会講演会論文集,No. 170-1,OS0801-04,2017.
  •  大谷遼平,張月琳,米山聡,高分子フィルムを用いた光弾性皮膜法によるひずみ測定,応力・ひずみ測定部門講演会論文集,SSM-0060,pp.1-5,2017.
  •  増田皓太,永山岳史,張月琳,米山聡,1台のデジタルカメラを用いた被工作物の三次元形状測定方法の確立,48回応力・ひずみ測定と強度評価シンポジウム論文集,pp.33-34,2017.
  •  佐野涼佑,張月琳,米山聡,三次元画像相関法を用いた関節軟骨のひずみ分布の評価,48回応力・ひずみ測定と強度評価シンポジウム論文集,pp.39-40,2017.
  •  比留間有蘭,張月琳,米山聡,宮崎志洋,永井裕子,五十嵐崇訓,画像相関法を用いた瞬き時の皮膚のひずみ測定,29回バイオエンジニアリング講演会論文集,No.16-76,1D13,2017.
  •  苗村潔, 山村周一郎, 南順子, 古屋耕平, 張月琳,黄色靭帯の引張試験と組織染色による分析,29回バイオエンジニアリング講演会論文集, No. 16-76, 1D11,2017.
  • 細野大樹,今野友恵,青村茂,中楯浩康,張月琳,松田雅弘,柔道技の動作解析と頭部衝突シミュレーションによる脳損傷発症リスクの検討,29回バイオエンジニアリング講演会論文集, No. 16-76,1E41,2017.
  • 青木崇将,今野友惠,上野貴浩,中楯浩康,青村茂,張月琳,小山貴之,ビデオ記録を基にしたアメリカンフットボール頭部外傷事故の再現シミュレーション,29回バイオエンジニアリング講演会論文集, No. 16-76, 1E35,2017.
  • 増田皓太,永山岳史,張月琳,米山聡,デジタルカメラを用いた被工作物の位置測定方法,日本実験力学会分科会合同ワークショップ論文集,No. 16-2,pp.34-35,2016.
  • 米山聡,小柳潤,張月琳,グローバルDICを用いた変位・ひずみ分布測定,保守検査ミニシンポジウム論文集,MI-00064,pp.21-22,2016.
  • 吉野達紀,張月琳,米山聡,音響加振を用いた関節軟骨の低周波数域における動的粘弾性特性の計測,27回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集,pp.61-62,2016.
  • 三好航太,三井麻優子,張月琳,米山聡,中楯浩康,青村茂,小山貴之,症例の再現解析を用いたアメリカンフットボールにおける脳震盪発症リスクの評価,27回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集,pp.123-124,2016.
  • 三井麻優子,三好航太,張月琳,米山聡,中楯浩康,青村茂,小山貴之,アメリカンフットボールのヘルメットの経時劣化による脳損傷リスクの変化,27回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集,pp.125-126,2016.
  • 金澤大地,牛島邦晴,張月琳,米山聡,内藤純也,鎮西将太,ステレオ画像相関法を用いた高張力鋼板応力3軸度および破断ひずみの評価方法の確立,M&M2016材料力学カンファレンス論文集,No. 16-3,pp.269–271,2016.
  • 村田学,有川秀一,張月琳,米山聡,藤本慶久,大本洋平,画像相関法を用いた電子実装基板微細部の熱ひずみ測定,M&M2016材料力学カンファレンス論文集,No.16-3,pp.272–274,2016.
  • 天畠秀飛,張月琳,米山聡, 画像相関法の高精度化に向けた輝度値補間方法の検討, 日本実験力学会2016年次講演会論文集,pp.87-88,2016.
  • 松岡大祐,志水健人,小柳潤,張月琳,米山聡,画像相関法を利用した CFRP の樹脂と界面近傍のひずみ分布測定, 日本実験力学会2016年次講演会論文集,pp.55-56,2016.
  • 細野大樹,韓露,青村茂,中楯浩康,張月琳,松田雅弘, 学校教育における柔道初心者の頭部外傷事故の発症メカニズムと対処法の考察, 28回バイオエンジニアリング講演会論文集,講演番号:2C33, 2016.
  • 韓露,中楯浩康,青村茂,張月琳,松田雅弘,小山貴之, スポーツにおける頭部強打事故の発症状況とその力学的診断, スポーツ工学・ヒューマンダイナミクスシンポジウム論文集,講演番号:C-11, 2015.
  • 柴田真太郎, 張月琳, 梶原逸朗,細矢直基,高出力レーザーによる音響加振技術を用いた構造ヘルスモニタリング,Dynamics and Design Conference 2015論文集,No.546, 2015.
  • 比留田稔樹,張月琳, 梶原逸朗,細矢直基,圧電フィルムを用いた膜構造のアクティブ振動制御,27回電磁力関連のダイナミクスシンポジウム講演論文集, pp. 335-340, 2015.
  •  張月琳, 山田悟史,東藤正浩,但野茂,皮質骨の弾性・粘性係数におけるコラーゲン変性の影響,26回バイオエンジニアリング講演会論文集,pp.193-194,2014.
  • 張月琳, 佐久間淳, 山口洋子, 大島光宏,培養組織の球圧子押込試験による柔さ計測に関する研究,日本機械学会年次大会2012,No.J022033, 2012.
  •  大島光宏, 山口洋子, 張月琳, 佐久間淳,歯周炎治療薬候補のスクリーニングにおける押し込み試験の有用性,日本機械学会年次大会2012,No.J022034, 2012.
  • 大杉竜也,青村茂,中楯浩康,張月琳,藤原敏,頭部有限要素モデルを用いた症例解析における脳神経損傷の発症部位および重症度の予測,25回バイオエンジニアリング講演会論文集,pp.463-464,2012.
  •  張月琳,青村茂,中楯浩康,藤原敏,症例解析による脳損傷生成メカニズムに関する研究,23回バイオエンジニアリング講演会論文集,pp.67-68, 2011.
  •  張月琳,青村茂,藤原敏,脳損傷生成に対する外部衝撃の持続時間の影響,22回バイオエンジニアリング講演会論文集,p.195, 2010.
  •  張月琳,青村茂,藤原敏,症例に見る脳損傷生成メカニズムの検討,Dynamics and Design Conference 2009アブストラクト集,p.165, 2009.
  •  張月琳,青村茂,藤原敏,症例のシミュレーションによる脳損傷生成メカニズムの検討,14回計算工学講演会論文集,pp.345-346, 2009.
  •  張月琳,青村茂,藤原敏,症例のシミュレーションによる脳損傷生成メカニズムの検討,21回バイオエンジニアリング講演会論文集,pp.483-484, 2009.
  •  張月琳,青村茂,藤原敏,脳損傷における回転加速度及び並進加速度の影響に関する研究,19回バイオフロンティア講演会論文集,pp.39-40, 2008.
  • 張月琳,青村茂,藤原敏,西村明儒,頭蓋骨骨折を考慮した脳挫傷症例の再現シミュレーション,日本機械学会年次大会講演会論文集,pp.29-30, 2008.