Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA, Hiromichi NAKADATE and Satoshi FUJIWARA, Chapter 24 : Study on the Mechanism of Traumatic Brain Injury, Biological Engineering – Principles and Practice, InTech, ISBN:978-953-51-0412-4, pp.549-570, 2012.
Kasumi Sakai, Yuelin ZHANG, Satoru Yoneyama, Yukihiro Miyazaki, Yoko Hanada, Yuko Nagai and Takanori Igarashi, Evaluating Distribution and Variation of Strains near Eyes in Blinking Using Digital Image Correlation, Skin Research and Technology. DOI: 10.1111/srt.12867, 2020
Yohei KANAI, Shuichi ARIKAWA, Yuelin ZHANG, Satoru Yoneyama and Yasuhisa FUJIMOTO, Inverse analysis of the thermal expansion of dissimilar materials using the Virtual Fields Method, Advanced Experimental Mechanics,Vol.4, pp.103-108, 2019
Yusuke HOSHINO, Kazuki TAMAI, Yuelin ZHANG, Satoru YONEYAMA: Direct Measurement and Master Curve Construction of Viscoelastic Poisson’s Ratio with Digital Image Correlation, Strain, DOI: 10.1111/str.12294, (12 pages),2018, Cited Paper(3)
Yuelin ZHANG, Kouta MIYOSHI, Lu HAN, Hiromichi NAKADATE, Satoru YONEYAMA, Takayuki KOYAMA and Shigeru AOMURA, Injury Risk Evaluation of Brain Concussion in American Football based on Reproduction Analysis of Accident Cases, Advanced Experimental Mechanics,Vol.3, pp.197-202, 2018.
Yuelin ZHANG, Tatsunori YOSHINO and Satoru YONEYAMA, Development of a Non-Contact Method for Measuring Viscoelastic Properties of Articular Cartilage, Advanced Experimental Mechanics,Vol.3, pp.203-208, 2018.
Shoko OIKAWA, Hiromichi NAKADATE, Yuelin ZHANG, Takahiro UENO, Shigeru AOMURA and Yasuhiro MATSUI, Finite element analysis of the effectiveness of bicycle helmets in head impacts against roads, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 4, DOI:10.1299/jbse.17-00175 (11 pages),2017,Cited Paper(2).
Hiromichi NAKADATE, Ryoma KITA, Yuelin ZHANG, Yasuhiro MATSUI, Shoko OIKAWA and Shigeru AOMURA, Finite element head model simulation of the case suspected of diffuse axonal injury in the traffic accident, International Journal of Crashworthiness,DOI:10.1080/13588265. 2017.1316901 (11 pages),2017.
Shigeru AOMURA, Yuelin ZHANG, Hiromichi NAKADATE, Takayuki KOYAMA and Akiyoshi NISHIMURA, Brain Injury Risk Estimation of Collegiate Football Player Based on Game Video of Concussion Suspected Accident, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, DOI: 10.1299/jbse.16-00393 (15 pages), 2016. (責任著者),Cited Paper(11).
Yuelin ZHANG, Toshiki HIRUTA, Itsuro KAJIWARA and Naoki HOSOYA, Active vibration suppression of membrane structures and evaluation with a non-contact laser excitation vibration test, Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 23, No. 10, pp.1681-1692, 2015,Cited Paper(23).
Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA, Hiromichi NAKADATE, Satoshi FUJIWARA, Study of the Mechanism of Cerebral Contusion Based on the Real-world Brain Injury Accidents, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp.191-202, 2011,Cited Paper(11).
Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA, Kiyoto FURUSE, Akira KAKUTA, Satoshi FUJIWARA and Ayako NASU,Study on Impact Resistance of PC12 Cells, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol.5, No.2, pp.119-128,2010, Cited Paper(1).
Shigeru AOMURA, Yuelin ZHANG, Satoshi FUJIWARA and Akiyoshi NISHIMURA, Dynamic Analysis of Cerebral Contusion under Impact Loading, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol.3, No.4, pp.499-509, 2008.(責任著者),Cited Paper(13).
Itakura Maho, Yuelin ZHANG, Takeo Kyohei, Yoneyama Satoru, Measuring Three-dimensional Strain Distribution of Knee Joint Cartilage under Compressive Load, International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2019, Niigata, October 7-10, 2019
Yuelin ZHANG, Fumika Sunamura, Shiomi Bamba, Shuichi Arikawa, Satoru Yoneyama, Kaori Motonami, Takashi Matsushima, Tadashi Numata, Visualization the Change of Face after the Facial Massage by Using Ultraviolet Stereo Image Correlation, BSSM 14th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Belfast, September 10-12, 2019.
Yoshiki Umaba, Atsushi Sakuma and Yuelin ZHANG, Experimental Evaluation of Pad Degradation of Helmet for American Football and Its Application to Numerical Design, 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering and the 4th Conference on Imaging and Visualization, p.57, New York, August 14-16 2019.
Shigeto Hayashi, Hiromichi Nakadate, Yuelin ZHANG, Kojiro Mekata, Haruo Yamashita, Shinichi Nakayama, Eiji Kohmura, Yasuhiro Matsui, Hong Ji, Shigeru Aomura, Reproduction Analysis of Injury Condition using Finite Element Modeling of the Head in cases with traumatic higher brain dysfunction caused by traffic accidents, Proceedings of the ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2018-86945, Pittsburgh, November 9-15, 2018.
ZHANG Y and Yoneyama, S., Displacement and Strain Measurement in Three Dimensions of Articular Cartilage by Using MR Images, BSSM 13th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Southampton, August 29-31, 2018.
ZHANG Y., Yoneyama, S., Nakadate, H., Koyama, T., Matsuda, T. and Aomura, S.Construction of a Concussion Risk Estimation System for Contact Sports, 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, #2220 Dublin, July 8-12, 2018.
Sakai, K., ZHANG Y., Yoneyama, S., Miyazaki, Y., Nagai, Y. and Igarashi, T.,Measurement of Local Strain Distribution and Its Variation Near Eyes During Blink Using Digital Image Correlation,SEM 2018 Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, #278, Greenville, June 4-7, 2018.
Yoshino, T., Yuelin ZHANG and Yoneyama, S.,Measuring Frequency Dependence of Articular Cartilage by Acoustic Vibration, 12th International International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, #061, Kanazawa, November 2017.
Amahata, S., Koyanagi, J., Yuelin ZHANG and Yoneyama, S., Strength Evaluation and Fracture Behavior Observation of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Tube under Impact Loading, 12th International International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, #062, Kanazawa, November 2017.
Miyoshi, K., Yuelin ZHANG, Yoneyama, S., Aomura, S., Nakadate, H. and Koyama, T., Injury Risk Evaluation of Brain Concussion in the American Football Based on Reproduction Analysis of Accident Cases, 12th International International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, #065, Kanazawa, November 2017.
Fujiwara, M., Yuelin ZHANG, Yoneyama, S. and Yokoyama, T., Measurement of Strain Wave in the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Device Using Photoelasticity: Be Aimed at Development of Miniaturized Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar, 12th International International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, #071, Kanazawa, November 2017.
Hoshino, Y., Yuelin ZHANG and Yoneyama, S., Identification of Viscoelastic Properties by Virtual Fields Method, 12th International International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, #079, Kanazawa, November 2017.
Sawai, K., Fukuda, T., Koyanagi, J., Yuelin ZHANG, Yoneyama, S., and Hirai, K., Measuring Strain under Ultrahigh-temperature Environment Using Digital Image Correlation with Laser Speckle Pattern, 12th International International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, #080, Kanazawa, November 2017.
Shuto AMAHATA, Yuta YAMAZAKI, Jun KOYANAGI, Yuelin ZHANG and Satoru YONEYAMA, Evaluation of Loading Rate Dependent Fiber/Resininterface Strength of CFRP under Impact, Proceedings of the 2nd South-East Asia – Japan Conference on Composite Materials, Tokyo, Japan, August 2017.
Yuelin ZHANG, Satoru YONEYAMA, Hiromichi NAKADATE, Takayuki KOYAMA and Shigeru AOMURA, Alteration of Concussion Risk by New and Used American Football Helmets, Proceedings ofthe XXVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, #P352, Brisbane, Australia, July 2017.
Yusukei HOSHINO, K. TAMAI, Yuelin ZHANG and Satoru YONEYAMA, Direct Measurement and Master Curve Construction of Viscoelastic Poisson’s Ratio with Digital Image Correlation, Proceedings of International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, #15, Funchal, Portugal, June 2017.
Daichi KANAZAWA, Shouta CHINZEI, Yuelin ZHANG, Kuniharu USHIJIMA, Junya NAITO and Satoru YONEYAMA, Evaluating Path of Stress Triaxiality to Fracture of Thin Steel Sheet Using Stereovision, Proceedings ofSEM 2017 Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, #154, Indianapolis, USA, June 2017.
Kan SAWAI, Yasuhisa FUKUDA, Jun KOYANAGI, Yuelin ZHANG, Satoru YONEYAMA and Kenichi HIRAI, In-situ Measurement of Thermal Deformation of CFRP Ablator at Arc-Heated Wind Tunnel Using Digital Image Correlation, Proceedings ofInternational Symposium on Space Technology and Science, #2017-c-02, Matsuyama, Japan, June 2017.
Yuelin ZHANG, Daiki HOSONO, Tadamitsu MATSUDA, Nicolas BOURDET, Hiromichi NAKADATE, Remy WILLINGER and Shigeru AOMURA, Traumatic brain injury criteria in Judo based on reconstruction analysis, Proceedings of the 8th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, Sapporo, Japan, September 2015.
Keiichiro FURUYA, Shinichi ISHIZUKA, Itsuro KAJIWARA and Yuelin ZHANG, Pole tuning of model-based controller using simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation, Proceedings of the International conference on Motion and Vibration, paper No.3B23, Sapporo, Japan, August 2015.
Yuelin ZHANG, Toshiki HIRUTA, Itsuro KAJIWARA and Naoki HOSOYA, Active vibration control of a membrane structure using PVDF actuator, Proceedings of the 4th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Dynamics & Control, pp. 163-166, Busan, Korea, May 2015.
Hiromichi NAKADATE, Tatsuya OHSUGI, Ryoma KITA, Yuelin ZHANG, Yasuhiro MATSUI, Shoko OIKAWA and Shigeru AOMURA, Finite element head model simulation of the case suspected of diffuse axonal injury in the traffic accident, Proceedings ofInternational Crashworthiness Conference 2014,In Press, Kuching, Malaysia, August 2014.
Keiichiro FURUYA, Shinichi ISHIZUKA, Itsuro KAJIWARA and Yuelin ZHANG, Pole tuning of model based controller by simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation, Proceedings ofThe 12th International Conference on Motion and Vibration, No.3B23, Sapporo, Japan, August 2014.
Yuelin ZHANG, Satoshi Yamada, Masahiro Todoh and Shigeru Tadano, Viscoelastic Moduli of Bovine Cortical Tissue Measured by Cantilever Free Vibrations of mm-sized Specimen, Proceedings of The 15th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, No.512, Singapore, Singapore, December 2013.
Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA and Satoshi FUJIWARA, Mechanism of Traumatic Brain Injury, Proceedings of The International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Research and Education on Medical Device Developments, pp.89-91, Aomori, Japan, September 2013.
Yuelin ZHANG, Atsushi SAKUMA, Hiromichi NAKADATE and Shigeru AOMURA, Study on Evaluation of Viscoelastic Properties and Young’s Modulus of Cultured Nerve Cells, Proceedings of Multiscale Methods and Validation in Medicine and Biology 2012, CD-ROM, San Francisco, United State of America, February 2012.
Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA, Hiromichi NAKADATE and Satoshi FUJIWARA, Study on the Mechanism of BrainI, Proceedings of Biofrontier Symposium Japan-Korea Joint Session 2010, p.11, Kanazawa, Japan, November 2010.
Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA, Hiromichi NAKADATE and Satoshi FUJIWARA, Study on the Mechanism of Cerebral Contusion Based on Judicial Autopsy Report, Proceedings of 6th World Congress on Biomechanics 2010, Vol.31, pp.505-508, Singapore, August 2010.
Hiromichi NAKADATE, Shigeru AOMURA, Yuelin ZHANG, Akira KAKUTA and Satoshi FUJIWARA, Strain Magnitude and Strain Rate Influence Stretch-Induced Injury of PC12 Cells, Proceedings of 6th World Congress on Biomechanics 2010, Vol.31, pp.1091-1094, Singapore, August 2010.
Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA and Satoshi FUJIWARA, Mechanism of Cerebral Contusion Based on Force Duration of an External Impact, Proceedings of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2010, CD-ROM:64, Valencia, Spain, February 2010.
Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA and Satoshi FUJIWARA, The Cerebral Contusion Cases Simulation in Consideration of Skull Fracture, Proceedings of 4th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics 2009, pp.303-304, Christchurch, New Zealand, April 2009.
Satoshi FUJIWARA, Yuelin ZHANG, Sigeru NISHIMURA, Saori NAMBU, Ayako NASU, Taeko AOYAGI, Yui SAWAGUCHI, Kohei KOIDE and Sigeru AOMURA, Head Impact Aacceleration Induced by a Blow with a Mass of Iron, Proceedings of 7th International SympIsium on Advances in Legal Medicine 2008, p.111, Osaka, Japan, September 2008.
Yuelin ZHANG, Shigeru AOMURA, Masao WATARI, Satoshi FUJIWARA and Akiyoshi NISHIMURA, Dynamic Analysis of Cerebral Contusion under Impact Loading, Proceedings of 12th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference 2007, CD-ROM:163(4 pages), Sapporo, Japan, August 2007.